35 Side Hustles For HR Professionals & Recruiters

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Looking for suitable side hustles for HR professionals and recruiters? Want to use your human resource experience to make extra income? Here are 35 ideas!

In this article, I’ll be sharing 35 ideas on side hustles for HR professionals where some are suitable for recruiters. I’ll also provide recommendations of what you’ll need to start and provide more tailored options for making an extra income as a HR professional.

*This post may contain affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission (at no cost to you) if you sign up for a program or make a purchase using my link!

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35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals

1. Grow your social media and get paid by brands

There’s a new wave of HR professionals sharing their insights on the job market using social media like TikTok, Instagram and even Twitter. If you’re comfortable with using any of these apps, consider sharing your views and helpful tips to guide others with employment.

Once the number of your followers grow, brands might just reach out to you to promote their products and services. Of course, it’s up to you to choose the best brands to work with and ones you believe in.

It’s best to have a mixture of product review videos right from the start even if you’re not paid for them so brands can expect what they’ll get if they work with you.

What do I need to start?– Smart phone to record and share content
– Video editing app e.g. CapCut
– Photo editing app
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Grow your social media and get paid by brands
7 side hustles you can do with no technical skills

2. Become a HR consultant for other businesses

If you’re love human resource and believe it’s something you would do for the long term, you can start a consultancy business on the side. Target smaller companies as most look for project-based consultancy due to lack of budget to hire HR specialists for long term.

You can start promoting your service through word of mouth through friends and connections that own businesses. HR consultancy work can cover a wide range of topics including lay-offs, restructuring, payroll and training.

Some small businesses don’t even know what’s the right hiring process so it’s your job to lay it out for them!

What do I need to start?– Skills and experience for a specific project
– Connections to refer you
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Become a HR consultant for other businesses

3. Build a YouTube channel for employment tips

Looking for something you can work on passively and build in your free time? YouTubing is something you can do as a HR professional even on the side.

It’s important to set up a manageable schedule in the beginning so you don’t get burn out. Hence, why I always recommend just posting one video a week!

You can share content on employment and the job market or explore a different niche altogether e.g. cooking, gardening etc. The most common ways you can earn with YouTube is via advertisements, affiliates and sponsorships.

Check out the channels I’ve listed below!

Interesting YouTube channels for human resource & recruiting niche:

What do I need to start?– A camera to record
– Portable microphone for better sound
– A video editing software
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Build a YouTube channel for employment tips

Read: What I spent for my vlogging gear in first 6 months

4. Share your HR insights with a podcast

If you’re more comfortable talking to a microphone without needing to talk to the camera, you can start your own podcast instead.

Podcast lets you earn differently compared to YouTube where some can be earnings from downloads and others from brand sponsorships. You’ll need to allocate a few seconds within your audio clip to mention your sponsors and anything they’re asking you to promote.

It takes less equipment to build your work set up for a good quality podcast as compared to making good quality YouTube videos. So it’s perfect for those with a small budget to spare!

What do I need to start?– Good desk microphone
– Set of quality earphones
– An audio editing software
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Share your HR insights with a podcast

Check out: 11 best podcasts for human resources field

5. Create an educational blog for the unemployed

When I was unemployed, I needed answers and guides to help me get out of the rut of unemployment. I watched relevant YouTube videos and also read tons of articles online.

If you’re like me and love to Google for answers, you would know the importance of blogging! Good news is you can be the one to write these articles and provide the answers instead.

Writing can be an easier side hustle to start for some especially if you’re short on time. You can earn from your own blog through advertisements, affiliates, brand deals and selling products (digital and non-digital).

Talk about anything you want but it’s best to keep it educational or inspirational. These are two main reasons why people search and read! Start with this beginner course or check out my free article for step-by-step guide on how to set up a blog.

35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Create an educational blog for the unemployed
Photo by VAZHNIK
What do I need to start?– A WordPress Website
– Domain name & hosting
– Passion to write for a specific niche
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Create an educational blog for the unemployed

Read: Why I invested in a blogging coach before doing anything else

6. Promote affiliate links to your favorite products or services

Are you looking for a quicker way to earn a side income? You can promote affiliate links on your social media accounts e.g. Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok and Instagram.

You don’t need to have a huge number of followers to be earning with affiliates as long as you stay genuine (enough for people to trust your recommendations).

Popular affiliate marketplaces to join are Amazon Associates, CJ affiliate, Clickbank, Share-a-sale and Rakuten Advertising. If someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys anything, you’ll earn a commission – which is usually a percentage of the sale amount.

What do I need to start?– Affiliate products or services you can promote
– Social media account with growing followers
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Promote affiliate links to your favorite products or services

7. Sell your photos online on stock websites

Personally, I love photography and bought myself a 256GB iPhone for the same reason – I take too many photos!

If you’re more practical than I am and would love to make money from your photos, consider selling them on stock websites. You can make a sale even as you’re asleep or as you’re stuck in a meeting (at your full time job).

Your pictures may be purchased by blog owners and websites as they don’t always have the right images to use within their content. Start by getting a good camera and enroll yourself for a professional photography class.

Stock websites you can join to start:

What do I need to start?– A good camera
– Photo editing skills
– Consistency to upload photos frequently
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Sell your photos online on stock websites

8. Write for other HR blogs and websites

Love the idea of writing articles but not interested in building your own blog from scratch? You can write for other blogs and websites instead!

Big blogs publish articles regularly (like everyday) and work with multiple freelance writers to get the job done. So pick up SEO writing skills, build a portfolio of your best sample work and start applying to writing jobs on sites like Upwork!

You can write on topics about human resources, online training, recruitment or even what you love about the HR world. Alternatively, choose a different niche to write about and target the right clients with relevant blogs/websites.

What do I need to start?– Writing skills
– Good command of English or the language you intend to write for
– Promote your freelance writing service
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Write for other HR blogs and websites

9. Provide training for professional certifications

Some HR professionals have a strong foothold in planning trainings and carrying them out. If that sounds like you, you can actually be a freelancer for HR-related trainings – especially if it involves professional certifications.

Not all companies have professional individuals working for them and look for ways to upskill their staffs. So if you’re in the position to provide relevant trainings and certify others for a skill, you can make money on the side doing so!

35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals Provide training for professional certifications
Photo by Mikhail Nilov
What do I need to start?– Ability to certify others professionally
– Platform to promote service
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Provide training for professional certifications

10. Create digital products using Canva to sell on Etsy

I know people who really love using Canva to create posts for their social media accounts or even design iPhone wallpapers (for fun). If you’re one of them, it’s time for you to finally make money from your Canva designing hobbies.

One of the best ways to make money on Etsy which does not require you to buy any inventory or manage stock levels is to sell digital products. This includes social media templates, digital planners and even sewing patterns.

Etsy enables their sellers to list digital products which allows buyers to immediately download the files upon purchase. As a seller you only need to ensure the product is functioning and that you’re answering any questions customers may have!

What do I need to start?– A digital product idea
Tools to create the digital product
– Platform to sell on
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Create digital products using Canva to sell on Etsy

11. Coach individuals looking for employment

If you’re a recruiter that loves using LinkedIn and don’t mind building a personal brand for yourself, you can make money on the side by coaching others. This includes anyone that’s looking for a better job – whether they’re unemployed or looking to shift careers.

Attract these individuals by posting relevant content on your LinkedIn page and making yourself approachable. Allow them to connect with you and personally message you for help.

Alternatively, you can setup an anonymous account on either Twitter or Instagram and promote your services there. Stay authentic!

What do I need to start?– Skills and experience in hiring
– Coaching plans to offer
– Platform to promote service
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Coach individuals looking for employment

12. Teach others via paid online courses

Have knowledge of something you think others can benefit from? You can create lessons around it and sell online as short paid courses.

Compared to teaching people directly via Zoom calls or physical meet-ups, online courses lets you make money passively without needing to put a lot of work for every new customer.

You can teach about human resources (like the sample I’ve attached down below) or create any other course on topics you’re passionate about.

People are usually more inclined to purchase if they believe they can make money from implementing what you’re offering. Common prices for short online courses are $30, $47 and $67.

Sample of human resource courses on Udemy
Sample of human resource courses on Udemy

Some sites you can host online courses on:

What do I need to start?– A niched course idea
– Well thought out module
– Tools to record your lessons e.g. screen record, microphone
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Teach others via paid online courses

Creating courses is too much work for you? Here’s a list of digital products you can make to sell on easy platforms like Etsy. I’ve made a quick guide on how to make these products too!

13. Get a part-time job in payroll

If you’re looking to get another job on top of your full-time one, you may want to look for a part-time role in payroll. Compared to other HR jobs, some businesses only need a part-timer to get their payroll work done – especially true for small businesses!

Payroll jobs can be done remotely so you don’t need to worry about the logistics. This also opens you up to a world of opportunities – quite literally.

What do I need to start?– Experience in payroll
– Platform to promote service
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Get a part-time role as employment specialist

14. Paint homes and do minor interior designing jobs

Not everyone wants a side hustle that’s related to their full-time job. Sometimes you need something that allows you to unwind and forget about work!

If there’s something I personally love doing in my free time (outside my hours as a blogger) is to indulge in DIY projects e.g. furniture refurbishment and mini home renovations. Although I don’t make any money from it (yet!), doesn’t mean you can’t!

Some of the easiest DIY jobs to get into is painting homes for others and offering interior decorating services. These projects do not require you to be a professional to start.

What do I need to start?– House DIY skills
– The right tools to conduct
– Platform to promote service
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Paint homes and do minor interior designing jobs

15. Proofread professional documents for others

Reading a lot of work papers around the clock and always correcting others’ mistakes? You can offer proofreading services to help people validate their work e.g. college assignments, professional papers, thesis and alike.

It’s a popular service commonly found on Upwork and even Fiverr as not everyone is able to write a good piece of work hence need someone else’s opinion on it.

Aside from written language skills, you’ll need to have strong attention to details. Clients are the one to fix their work themselves but if they’re short on time and you need additional money, you can offer editing services as well.

What do I need to start?– Great written and spoken command of primary language
– Attention to details
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Proofread professional documents for others

16. Translate papers or short movies

Able to speak and write in multiple languages with high proficiency? You can offer translation services for papers and even movies.

As it’s much more difficult to start translating dramas and movies, you should go for smaller projects e.g. government papers, articles and even websites.

A friend of mine started her freelance career as a translator by applying to jobs on Upwork. She moved from her corporate job and now makes more than $5000 per month working with just a few major clients.

What do I need to start?– Great written and spoken command of primary & secondary language
– Attention to details
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Translate papers or short movies

17. Become a part-time real estate agent

If you love meeting new people while also exploring your neighborhoods, you can become a real estate agent on the side and earn commission from selling houses.

Depending on your area, you’ll need to sign up under an agency and go for necessary training to get your real estate license. I’d only recommend becoming an agent if you love socializing and don’t mind making sales pitches.

Of course, you’ll improve with time!

What do I need to start?– Real estate agent license
– Knowledge of area and community
– Platform to promote service
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Become a part-time real estate agent

18. Work as a part-time barista for a café

Maybe you’re nearing your retirement age or gave a long thought of what life after retirement would look like. If you want to pick up a useful skill that can easily make you money as a part-timer later on, becoming a barista is one.

Although a part-time job as a barista wouldn’t pay much, you get to meet new people and learn how to make coffee for yourself – equally important in saving money!

Start by learning professional coffee-making and acquire latte art skills. You can later take a step further by starting a YouTube channel that teaches others about coffee.

35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Work as a part-time barista for a café
I believe in splurging on tasty coffee!
What do I need to start?– Barista training certification
– Love for coffee
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Work as a part-time barista for a café

19. Get a job as a part-time professor

One of the many jobs a HR professional can go for (while having a full-time job) is to become a professor for a college or a university. You’ll need to find a part-time role that lets you teach on weekends or weekday nights – some allows you to conduct classes remotely.

Institutions with human resource studies often hire people within the field to teach their students – especially on more complex subjects like labor law. Your experience matter!

What do I need to start?– Relevant experience for subject
– Time and patience to teach
– Job opening to apply to
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Get a job as a part-time professor

20. Create and sell artwork online

If you’re an artsy person and looking for an entirely different side hustle than your profession, I would suggest creating your own artwork to sell online.

There are a lot of opportunities for those who love art in today’s world. This includes becoming a graphic designer, oil painter, art teacher, illustrator and even NFT seller. All of these can be done on the side!

The fastest way to sell your artwork online is via Etsy – whether it’s in the form of vector images, stickers or fine prints.

What do I need to start?– Digital art drawing skills
– Platform to sell your art
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Create and sell artwork online

21. Drive around as an Uber or Lyft driver

Want a side hustle that’s so simple you don’t need to think much for? Driving for Uber or Lyft lets you do just that.

You’ll just need to follow instructions on where to head to, who to pick up and where to drop them off. Many working professionals and retirees I’ve met have resorted to drive others around as it does not require much thought.

No shame in it!

Using the same vehicle, you can also get paid to deliver packages or food with either Amazon Flex or Uber Eats.

What do I need to start?– A vehicle to drive
– Smartphone to receive ride orders
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Drive around as an Uber or Lyft driver

22. Rent out your property on Airbnb

If you have a spare room or an extra property you don’t use, you can make money from hosting your place on Airbnb. In my experience, short term rentals allow you to make more money compared to long term or annual ones.

You’ll have to make the place look good by placing necessary furnishing and provide convenience to customers. Work with second hand fittings if you’re on a tight budget!

35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Rent out your property on Airbnb
Simple bathroom of an Airbnb we stayed in Lisbon!
What do I need to start?– A vacant room or property
– Home deco make the place rentable
– Platform to market the space
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Rent out your property on Airbnb

Check out: The beginner guide to start hosting on Airbnb

23. Place advertisements on your vehicle and get paid

Don’t want to drive others around but still want to make money with your car? You can get paid placing advertisements on your vehicle!

Although this side hustle may bring in less money than driving for Uber or Lyft, it’s a better option if you need the car for your daily activities.

This side hustle works best if you drive often and staying in a busy city – as more people will see the ads. Depending on the company you sign up with, they may ask the average distance you drive per day.

What do I need to start?– A vehicle you can rent out or place advertisements on
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Place advertisements on your vehicle and get paid

24. Complete online surveys during your commute

Looking for something you can do between meetings and while in commutes? Completing online surveys may be your best option.

How much you can make for finishing an online survey depends on the length and complexity. Apps usually assign surveys based on the profile you set up at sign up.

Although it can’t make you a lot of money, surveys take little time to complete and isn’t too difficult to get done. Most payouts are made when you meet an income threshold e.g. every $20!

What do I need to start?– Your mobile phone
– Signing up to online survey platforms
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Complete online surveys during your commute

Want to make $300 this month?

Easy! Just fill up surveys in your free time on Survey Junkie!
Save up for that dream vacation. You deserve it.

25. Buy vintage items to sell for profit

As I was raised in a household that loved buying wood furniture and unique home décor, I had an appreciation for vintage items. Although I’m not one to sell my mom’s collection, there are so many others that would sell their vintage stuffs – often for cheap!

If you have the time plus energy to search for the right things to buy and have the space to store them, you can make money from reselling these items at a higher price (than what you paid for).

You can start by selling your own personal items then move on to sourcing second hand goods from Facebook Marketplace, eBay and even from your local flea market. Some popular categories to look for are furniture, antiques, jackets and car accessories.

What do I need to start?– An eye to spot underpriced goods
– Skills and platform to sell online/offline
– A budget to purchase your first item
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Buy vintage items to sell for profit

26. Pet-sit for others on the weekends

Pet-sitting is a fairly easy side hustle to get into if you love pets (especially cats and dogs) and can handle them well.

Dedicating your weekends to pet-sitting can bring in at least $200 per week – assuming you make 10 visits at an average rate of $15-20 per visit. You can sign up for an account with apps like Rover where customers get to choose the type of services they want and arrange a timing beforehand.

If you’re petite in size, make sure to ask the pet owners if their pets are large-sized as it may be more difficult for you to handle. There’s a chance you will be dragged around with the leash!

35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Pet-sit for others on the weekends

Services you can include with pet sitting:

  • Walking
  • Home boarding
  • Sleepovers and night care
  • Training
  • Bring to vet
  • Basic grooming & care
  • Travel trips
What do I need to start?– Good skills with pets
– Right tools for the service
– Platform to promote service
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Pet-sit for others on the weekends

27. Become a social worker on your off days

Depending on your HR background and what you’re interested in, you can get a part-time role as a social worker. Some jobs can be done on call during the weekends or on your off days, so it’s doable even with a full-time office job.

You may need to acquire a credential or license for social work based on the state you’re practicing. Facilitating job interview programs for the unemployed or homeless is a type of social work you can get into!

What do I need to start?– Relevant experience for role
– Job openings to apply to
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Become a social worker on your off days

28. Create digital resources for other HR professionals

Not interested in making Canva templates and want to sell something related to HR instead? You can make digital resources for other HR professionals.

Too many of us corporate individuals have to juggle multiple job responsibilities (I used to!) and don’t have enough time to create documents or processes that can help us be more efficient. So if you’re like me, I would rather spend some money on something that’s perfected than waste my time trying.

Here’s an example of digital products that are created for human resource use!

Samples of human resource digital products on Etsy
Samples of human resource digital products on Etsy
What do I need to start?– Tools to create digital product
Etsy shop account
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Create digital resources for other HR professionals

29. Tutor school kids on the side

Love to teach but not looking to create courses yet? You can practice your teaching skills by tutoring school kids on subjects you’re good at.

Tutoring is usually a side job for many so it should be doable for you! Plus, you can now tutor others online via Zoom calls – as long as you can manage your tutee.

Common subjects to teach are the English language, Spanish, mathematics, history or political science. You can also teach writing, phonics and just grammar studies for young kids!

Some sites you can join to become a tutor online:

What do I need to start?– A subject with modules to teach
– Platform to promote services
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Tutor school kids on the side

30. Offer a resume writing service

One of the side jobs that come to mind when we talk about HR professionals is resume writing. Most individuals don’t know how to write their own resume and unsure of what experience to include.

My brother has also once hired a HR professional to create a good-looking resume for him that would pass AI checks – it’s not easy!

You may get customers coming back for your service again if they find success in getting a job thanks to a resume you wrote and now need it to be updated.

What do I need to start?– Experience with filtering resumes
– Skills to create a good resume
– Platform to promote service
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Offer a resume writing service

31. Host fitness classes for beginners

Do you love to work out and always find yourself at the gym? You can make extra income doing what you love as a fitness coach and teach others your best gym work-out routines.

As I’m someone who loves light workouts instead of intensive ones, I prefer to go for yoga classes. Although it’s something that can be done on my own, it helps to have others around me to keep me discipline!

If you’re on a small budget, plan workout activities that don’t require use of any equipment to start and can be conducted outdoors e.g. at the park.

35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Host fitness classes for beginners
Photo by Julia Larson
What do I need to start?– Fitness plan to teach
– Equipment to host classes
– Platform to promote service
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Host fitness classes for beginners

32. Work remotely as a part-time recruiter

People often say that recruitment isn’t easy and it’s not for everyone. However, there are always exceptions – you can be a part-time recruiter if your schedule allows it.

An industry that you should go into is tech recruitment. Even with the fluctuation in demand, the referral bonuses, commission and possible head hunter fees can be a good.

If your full-time job takes up most of your mornings until noon, it’s good to know that most tech employees have evening shifts and will usually respond to your emails later in the day. Plus, it’s something that can be done remotely!

You’ll just have to be comfortable with cold emailing and cold calling.

What do I need to start?– Recruitment experience
– Job opening or intake for recruiters
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Work remotely as a part-time recruiter

33. Start an event planning side business

Always the one to plan HR events at your company? You can start an event planning business on your own!

This side job can eventually turn into a full-time thing if you’re committed to it. Event planning is pretty competitive but with the right angle and niche audience, you can go far.

I would suggest looking into pet party planning, retirement parties and pool parties. Don’t cater to everything at the start.

What do I need to start?– Love for event planning
– Equipment and storage for event décor
– Platform to promote service
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Start an event planning side business

34. Become a virtual assistant for online businesses

If you want to explore new roles on a freelance basis, I highly recommend offering your services on Upwork. This can be for any kind of job including virtual assistant, copywriter, editor, social media manager and data entry.

Remote companies are always looking for freelancers to hire per project basis. Determine your skills and capabilities!

Other ways to promote your services:

What do I need to start?– Computer literacy skills for a specific task
– Your hourly rate charge
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Become a virtual assistant for online businesses

35. Make your own print on demand merchandise

A side hustle I personally love and believe anyone can do is print on demand – find out my seven reasons why POD is for you.

Working individuals can earn passively on the side by making designs for t-shirts, phone cases or tote bags and selling these on merchandises on Etsy. There’s no cost involved as your suppliers will only print the product and ship when a customer makes a purchase.

You can use beginner tools like Canva or Kittl to create your designs and sign up to Printify or Printful as your POD supplier.

Alternatively, just purchase ready POD designs on creative marketplaces like Envato Elements or Creative Fabrica.

35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Print on demand notebook selection on Printify
Print on demand notebook selection on Printify
What do I need to start?– Basic designing skills
– A laptop to work with
– An initial niche and product
35 Best Side Hustles For HR Professionals: Make your own print on demand merchandise

Can’t decide what product to design and sell? Check out my product guides before deciding!

11 Online Side Hustles For HR Professionals

These are 11 side hustles for HR professionals that can be done online:

  1. Start a YouTube channel on employment or training topics
  2. Share employment tips online with your own blog
  3. Create short educational videos on social media and get brand deals
  4. Promote products and services you love with affiliate marketing
  5. Record HR-related content to sell as online courses
  6. Sell designed merchandise with print on demand
  7. Sell stock photos online
  8. Create digital products for HR use and sell on Etsy
  9. Publish your own e-book on Amazon KDP
  10. Tutor school students online
  11. Become an audiobook narrator

11 Recruiting Side Hustles For You To Explore

Here’s 11 ideas on recruiting side hustles:

  1. Become a remote part-time recruiter
  2. Start a resume writing service
  3. Coach individuals for better employment
  4. Build a YouTube channel teaching others about recruitment
  5. Create a podcast to share insights on recruitment
  6. Write for Medium and earn as a creator
  7. Sell digital products for recruiters on Etsy
  8. Share job tips on TikTok and Instagram as an influencer
  9. Join referral programs by companies looking to hire
  10. Conduct training or workshops to help others find a better job
  11. Become a freelance content writer for HR websites

Which Side Hustle Should I Choose?

Unsure which side hustle for HR professionals you should go for? Here are the top 6 things to consider when deciding which side hustle is best for you.

  1. How much time can you commit to it?
    • Consider how much time you can set aside for your side hustle for weekdays and weekends
  2. What type of income are you looking for?
    • Do you want to make income actively or passively while you sleep?
  3. What sparks interest & passion in you?
    • Choose a side hustle that aligns to your personal goals and interests as it keeps you motivated
  4. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
    • Different side hustles requires different level of communication with the outside world, are you comfortable meeting new people every day?
  5. What is your current partner or friend up to that you can leverage on?
    • Doing something with a friend or partner makes things easier and more manageable
  6. How soon do you need to make extra money?
    • Not all side hustles make the same amount of money in the same pace, do you need money today or in a year’s time?

Bottom Line

As a HR professional, you have to define what line of work you’re good at and which one you want to progress with. Not everyone wants to continue doing the same thing without exploring something new.

It’s always safer to test with a side hustle before going all in! So choose one and give yourself time to figure it out.

I believe building passive income streams is the best way to not trade time for money.

Here are 35 best side hustles for HR professionals:

  1. Grow your social media and get paid by brands
  2. Become a HR consultant for other businesses
  3. Build a YouTube channel for employment tips
  4. Share your HR insights with a podcast
  5. Create an educational blog for the unemployed
  6. Promote affiliate links to your favorite products or services
  7. Sell your photos online on stock websites
  8. Write for other HR blogs and websites
  9. Provide training for professional certifications
  10. Create digital products using Canva to sell on Etsy
  11. Coach individuals looking for employment
  12. Teach others via paid online courses
  13. Get a part-time job in payroll
  14. Paint homes and do minor interior designing jobs
  15. Proofread professional documents for others
  16. Translate papers or short movies
  17. Become a part-time real estate agent
  18. Work as a part-time barista for a café
  19. Get a job as a part-time professor
  20. Create and sell artwork online
  21. Drive around as an Uber or Lyft driver
  22. Rent out your property on Airbnb
  23. Place advertisements on your vehicle and get paid
  24. Complete online surveys during your commute
  25. Buy vintage items to sell for profit
  26. Pet-sit for others on the weekends
  27. Become a social worker on your off days
  28. Create digital resources for other HR professionals
  29. Tutor school kids on the side
  30. Offer a resume writing service
  31. Host fitness classes for beginners
  32. Work remotely as a part-time recruiter
  33. Start an event planning side business
  34. Become a virtual assistant for online businesses
  35. Make your own print on demand merchandise

I’m not one to brag, but blogging has changed my life. I’ve been able to earn an income passively while on a coffee date and traveling with my family. With everything, it takes time to learn and not an overnight success – to speed things up, get yourself a blogging coach before starting.

These are my blogging resources to help you out:

Photo by Alena Darmel

Abby B.

Hey there! Abby here - the founder of Passive Marketeer and also the main writer on the site. My love for ecommerce and online marketing was something I found through my 9-5 sales job. It was mind boggling at first that we're able to make an income online passively in today's world! If you're still feeling that way, know that you're not alone.

That's why, I decided to help others by sharing findings through my own research on today's ecommerce world. When I'm not writing, I'm either running my online biz, traveling, cooking or gardening.

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