21 Side Hustles For Early 20s and Before 20

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Looking for best side hustles for early 20s when you’re still studying? Unsure how to use your time to make money? Here are 21 ideas!

The best time to start is today. Even if you’re still enjoying your youth, there’s nothing wrong with trying out different side hustles. Some may make you immediate cash while others teach you skills that could make you an income in the future.

My partner & I come from two different education backgrounds but we started our side income journey at our mid 20s. We continue trying a ton to find one that resonates to us most!

In this article, I’ll be sharing 21 side hustle ideas for early 20s, where some might be suitable if you’re younger than 20. I’ll also provide recommendations of what you’ll need to start and provide more tailored options for making money on the side as a teenager.

*This post may contain affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission (at no cost to you) if you sign up for a program or make a purchase using my link!

21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s

1. Become a social media manager for small businesses

Most local businesses today are short on staffs and do not have any extra time to explore social media marketing. If you’re always up-to-date with social media and its trends, you can approach businesses you like to offer part-time or one-time social media management service.

Even better if you’re able to visit the shop or store physically as most businesses face great difficulty in taking their own product photos. They’re just too busy running the business.

Plus points if your own personal social accounts looks professional and growing with followers!

What do I need to start?– Basic photo-taking and editing skills
– Copywriting skills
– Basic social media management skills
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Become a social media manager for small businesses
5 Side hustles to start in your 20s

2. Promote affiliate links on your social accounts

If you want don’t want to be managing social media for others, you can make money by just growing your own social accounts. A way to make passive income with social media is to promote affiliate links and earn for every purchase made via your link.

Promote products or services that you use or is related to your personal brand. Some affiliate marketplaces to check out are Amazon Associates, CJ affiliate, Clickbank, Share-a-sale and Rakuten Advertising.

Sign up for an account, get a link for a suitable product/service based on your audience and start promoting! I personally believe it’s easier to use Twitter, TikTok and Pinterest to promote affiliate links. Even with a small number of followers, they work better than Instagram or YouTube.

What do I need to start?– Affiliate products or services you can promote
– Social media account with growing followers
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Promote affiliate links on your social accounts

3. Create a YouTube channel for topics you’re interested in

If you love editing videos and prefer making long-form content, consider becoming a vlogger or YouTube influencer. You don’t have to be vlogging personal aspects of your life, sharing useful information or entertaining videos work as well.

Just like other social media platforms, it’s free to start a YouTube channel and you don’t need fancy tools – I record my vlogs on my iPhone. I believe in building systems that make it easy to regularly record yourself e.g. placing cameras in fixed positions on your desk so you don’t have to think twice.

It takes great consistency and quite a long time to make a good income with YouTube, but it’s highly rewarding if done right. Reframe your mindset – not all side hustles need to be making you a TON of money.

Interesting YouTube channels for young adults:

What do I need to start?– A camera to record
– Portable microphone for better sound
– A video editing software
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Create a YouTube channel for topics you’re interested in

Read: What I spent for my vlogging gear in first 6 months

4. Build a podcast for a niche you love

Love content creating but too shy to show your face? Start a podcast by recording yourself sharing thoughts on interesting topics – either on your own or with a guest. All you need is to learn how to use an audio editing software and a good microphone to speak into.

Podcasts are much easier to listen to compared to videos and takes less attention. I find myself listening to them the most when I’m driving or cleaning the house. They’re great for multitaskers!

However, getting a podcast to be popular would need you to promote it on other social media platforms and/or have a considerable following.

What do I need to start?– Good desk microphone
– Set of quality earphones
– An audio editing software
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Build a podcast for a niche you love

Check out: 40 best student podcasts in numerous fields

5. Share your knowledge with your own helpful blog

If you’re unsure about YouTube and recording podcasts, try sharing your thoughts by writing on your own blog instead. Choose a niche you’re interested in, one where you can help others with educational information.

Just like vlogging and podcasting, you’ll need to blog for at least a year before making any income. You can blog anonymously without showing your face or using your real name.

It’s a great side hustles to start if you’re interested in long term passive income – you can start with this easy to follow blogging course.

Not looking to invest in anything yet? Check out my article for step-by-step guide on how to set up a blog.

What do I need to start?– A WordPress Website
– Domain name & hosting
– Passion to write for a specific niche
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Share your knowledge with your own helpful blog

Read: Why I invested in a blogging coach before doing anything else

6. Take up photography and sell stock photos online

I wished I had a professional DSLR camera and have the right photography skills. Its a skill I see most of my friends making money with! There’s an assortment of ways to make money with your photos today including selling on stock websites and selling them as NFT.

If you have the right tools or able to get your hands on them easily, take up a photography course in your spare time. You can also become a part-time photographer for events on the weekends.

Although selling on stock websites does not make much in the beginning, it’s an online side hustle that works for introverts and those who love building passive income.

Your photos can be sold any time even as you’re sleeping!

21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Take up photography and sell stock photos online
Photo by Tahir Osman

Stock websites you can join to start:

What do I need to start?– A good camera
– Photo editing skills
– Consistency to upload photos frequently
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Take up photography and sell stock photos online

7. Become a freelance writer for other content websites

A freelance writer can earn up to $100 per article and even more if they’re focused on a single topic or niche. You can start building your writing skills by writing for any topics you’re interested in for other blogs.

A lot of people worry that they don’t have the right skills to write but as long as you have a good command of the language you intend to write for, you should be fine. Keep your selection of words simple for everyone to understand!

This beginner freelance writing course is the one I took myself to start my writing career. It’s basic but has everything you need to start tomorrow and earn from clients all over the world. Includes how to pitch to clients for topics they can’t resist!

What do I need to start?– Writing skills
– Good command of English or the language you intend to write for
– Promote your freelance writing service
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Become a freelance writer for other content websites

Check out: How to start freelance writing and make money (the ultimate resource)

8. Tutor your juniors and/or offer online tutoring

If you’re known to be a very patient person, you can become an online tutor. It pays by the hour and depending on the market you want to go into, you’re leveraging on knowledge you already have.

Customers and parents are also more inclined to have a tutor with an excellent academic background so if you’re from a prestigious school, you’re even more capable of getting clients. You’re able to charge higher than the average tutor.

Online tutoring is made possible using applications like Zoom and I believe it’s much more practical. I am not someone who likes to waste time travelling and would love to cater to a bigger crowd where possible (a.k.a. make more money for each hour).

Some sites you can promote your online tutoring services on:

What do I need to start?– Patience to teach
– Relevant module depending on subject you’re teaching
– Platform to promote your tutoring service
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Tutor your juniors and/or offer online tutoring

9. Pet sitting for friends and neighbors

Need a side hustle that allows you to stay home? Offering pet sitting services in your area works wonders especially for someone who loves pets. It’s a side hustle I highly recommend for those with a bigger home and have had experience owning pets themselves so you’re used to it.

Pet sitters typically make $15-20 per visit and usually take more than 10 visits in one day. That’s easily $400-600 in a single weekend!

You can also babysit or become a nanny for young kids if you’re better at handling children than pets. It’s a lucrative side hustle as people are more willing to pay for the comfort and care of their loved ones.

21 Best Side Hustles For Early 20s - Pet sitting for friends and neighbors
My cat isn’t happy he’s going to the vet

Services you can include with pet sitting:

  • Walking
  • Home boarding
  • Sleepovers and night care
  • Training
  • Bring to vet
  • Basic grooming & care
  • Travel trips
What do I need to start?– Good skills with pets e.g. dogs, cats
– Tools for the service you want to offer
– Socializing to get clients
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Pet sitting for friends and neighbors

10. Flip second hand items for cash

Flipping second hand items is a great way to make money on the side. It’s always best to go through your own items first and try to sell anything you no longer use. This way, you know what sells and what doesn’t.

Once you’re more confident in your selling skills, consider buying others’ unwanted gems for a cheap price and selling them at a higher price for a profit. Some places to find these items are your local flea market or checking out Facebook Marketplace.

You’ll need a good eye to spot something worth buying. I personally made more than $2000 in a year reselling my old unused stuffs!

What do I need to start?– An eye to spot underpriced valued goods
– Skills and platform to sell online or offline
– A small budget to purchase your first second hand item
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Flip second hand items for cash

Check out: How to start reselling things as a side hustle

11. Become a part-time barista

One of the more popular side jobs for those in early 20s and teenagers is to become a retail assistant. While it’s not a bad job to begin with, it’s not something everyone likes to do and rarely adds value to your career journey.

A more specialized retail job would be becoming a barista. It’s a skill that’s used in every day life (and at the corporate office) and if you’re a coffee lover, you will enjoy it. The job rarely requires professional education, compared to becoming a pâtissier or a chef.

21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Become a part-time barista
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto
What do I need to start?– Professional barista training
– Food safety knowledge
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Become a part-time barista

12. Offer translation services for a second language

Have high proficiency for a second or third language? Monetize your skill by offering translation services. The pay varies depending on the scope of work but your hourly rate should increase as you gain more experience.

A friend of mine makes over $5000 per month translating movies on a freelance basis, after quitting her corporate job.

You can start small by translating short videos or professional papers in your field. Just like anything else, you’ll get more opportunities with experience!

What do I need to start?– Good command of the primary and secondary language you wish to translate
– Good writing skills and formatting
– Attention to details
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Offer translation services in your field

Check out: Pros and cons of having a translation service business

13. Become a personal trainer or yoga instructor

Love working out at the gym in your free time? You can help others start their gym journey too. It’s best to get the right certifications to build trust among your audience.

Start small by offering your services to friends and acquaintances. Just leverage the knowledge you already have – especially if it’s working out for you.

The same goes to becoming a yoga instructor. I personally prefer yoga instead of gym workouts and believe in paying for good yoga classes. It’s a great way to socialize!

Both of these roles are great as part-time side hustles and work well for yourself if you’re looking to unwind after a tiring week.

What do I need to start?– Yoga or personal trainer certification
– Platform to promote your service to friends or acquaintances e.g. Instagram or Twitter
– The right tools to use for teaching
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Become a personal trainer or yoga instructor

14. Host workshops to teach a skill you have or create paid online courses

Mastered a skill that you believe will benefit others? You can teach them to do the same via hosting physical workshops. People are more inclined to purchase if the skill helps them make extra income.

You don’t always need to be making money from the skill to start teaching others. I have a few skills that are valuable but I’m not looking to monetize on its own. However, others could find it beneficial for their personal projects.

Make things more passive by selling pre-recorded online courses on learning platforms. The common price points for a single payment short online course are $30, $47 and $67. It depends entirely on the course module and the value your customers can get from taking the course.

I am a person that believes in buying courses as a way to shorten my learning curve and find them a worthwhile expense!

Some sites you can host online courses on:

What do I need to start?– A niched course idea
– Well thought out module
– Tools to record your lessons e.g. screen record, microphone
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Host workshops to teach a skill you have or create paid online courses

Creating courses is too much work for you? Here’s a list of digital products you can make to sell on easy platforms like Etsy. I’ve made a quick guide on how to make these products too!

15. Complete online surveys for cash

Filling up online surveys isn’t a passive way to make extra income. However, it takes little time to complete and you’re able to fit it in easily into your daily routine. Imagine – finishing few short surveys while taking the subway to work or school.

You’re usually paid after completing a number of surveys and meeting certain income threshold. The amount of income made per survey varies depending on the time it takes to complete it.

What do I need to start?– Your mobile phone
– Signing up to online survey platforms
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Complete online surveys for cash

Want to make $300 this month?

Easy! Just fill up surveys in your free time on Survey Junkie!
Save up for that dream vacation. You deserve it.

16. Clean spaces or repair items for others

If you don’t want to think much while side hustling, cleaning is a service you can offer. I personally find cleaning to be a way to destress myself, while others find great enjoyment doing it.

You don’t have to be cleaning the whole house, consider niching down to cleaning certain areas of the house e.g. chimney, or offer cleaning for expensive appliances e.g. oven.

If cleaning is not your forte, a lot of people make money from repairing electrical items for others. You can be repairing tech devices as well like handphones or laptops.

What do I need to start?– Tools for the service you want to offer
– Skills if it’s specialized cleaning or repairing
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Clean spaces or repair items for others

Check out: How to make money with a handyman side gig

17. Become an influencer on social media

Everyone wants to become an influencer and make money with brand sponsorships today. The best way is to really love what you’re promoting and show authenticity in your content.

You can become an influencer at any age but when you’re in the early 20s, there’s higher demand from brands and it’s at the cost of higher competition. Start with a cheaper rate, stay humble and be different!

What do I need to start?– A niche you want to focus on e.g. travel, food, fashion
– Skills for social media growth
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Become an influencer on social media

18. Offer virtual assistant services

I get it, not everyone in their early 20s have good skills in using office tools – especially when they’ve not worked an office job. However, if you’re the rare case here, consider becoming a virtual assistant and help businesses with administrative tasks online.

There is an increasing demand for other kinds of virtual assistant roles as well, including for social media management, bookkeeping and WordPress management. A site like this one would need help for simple tasks like content planning, publishing articles and optimizing images.

What do I need to start?– Specific skills for an aspect of an online business
– Platform to market your services
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Offer virtual assistant services

19. Copywrite product descriptions and ads for ecommerce

Jobs have become increasingly specialized nowadays. You don’t necessarily need to manage the entire social media account and juggle 1001 tasks. Specialize by offering copywriting services instead.

Online businesses are willing to pay a lot more for a skilled copywriter as its the most important element of a successful sales page. You can be copywriting for product descriptions and ad copy for Facebook or Google ads.

What do I need to start?– Ability to copywrite for effective online sales
– Platform to market your services
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Copywrite product descriptions and ads for ecommerce

20. Meal prep for busy individuals

I used to work for a marketing department in a F&B production business. It taught me some skills that helped me plan my meal preps better for an entire week ahead.

Meal prepping helped me save time and control my diet better. However, not everyone has the same skills!

A lot of working adults have a hard time eating healthy meals due to their busy schedules and living alone. You can offer weekly frozen or chilled meal prep services and leverage social media platforms like Twitter to promote.

21 Best Side Hustles For Early 20s: Meal prep for busy individuals
I meal prep for my husband’s weekday lunches!
What do I need to start?– Cooking skills
– Basic food safety knowledge
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Meal prep for busy individuals

21. Start a print on demand business from home

Thought of starting an ecommerce business but don’t have enough time to handle the daily operations of one? I believe that print on demand is a more lucrative business model to get into compared to dropshipping.

All you need to do is make designs on sites like Canva or Kittl, and sell them on merchandise such as t-shirts, phone cases, tote bags etc. You don’t have to be fulfilling orders yourself, rely on sites like Printify or Printful to do the job for you.

Just sync the supplier to your ecommerce store (Etsy or Shopify) and upload designs from home! You can start selling tomorrow by buying ready designs on creative marketplaces like Creative Fabrica or Envato Elements.

21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Start a print on demand business from home
Print on demand with Printify
What do I need to start?– Basic designing skills
– A laptop to work with
– An initial niche and product
21 Best Side Hustles In Your 20s: Start a print on demand business from home

Can’t decide what product to design and sell? Check out my product guides before deciding!

11 Side Hustles For 17 Year Olds

Based on my findings, here are 11 great ideas for side hustles for 17 year olds:

  1. Offer pet-sitting services
  2. Babysit children in your neighborhood
  3. Flipping second hand items
  4. Tutor your juniors
  5. Become a barista for local coffee shop
  6. Create TikTok videos for small businesses
  7. Run errands for others on weekdays
  8. Become a student writer
  9. Maintain your neighbors’ lawn or garden
  10. Rent out your unused school supplies
  11. Sell handmade crafts on Etsy

As a 17 year old, you’re kind-of torn in between managing school and adapting to adult life. You’ll have greater access to resources to make money online but sometimes still find yourself bounded your parents’ rules.

The 11 side hustle ideas above are great activities to explore as you’re branching out and making new experiences.

8 Side Hustles For 10 Year Olds

These are 8 side hustles for 10 year olds to make some money:

  1. Pet-sitting for neighbors
  2. Wash cars in your neighborhood
  3. Sell art & crafts to friends in school
  4. Bake cookies for seasonal celebrations
  5. Start a YouTube channel for kids
  6. Become an influencer on social media
  7. Modelling for fashion brands
  8. Help neighbors with chores

There’s only so many side hustles you can do as a 10 year old. Exploring online sales channels will require adult supervision and management.

Parents should be the one to direct and decide which side hustles is best for their child. It’s easier for a 10 year old to sell products or offer services within their immediate neighborhood.

15 Side Hustles For 19 Year Olds

Here are 15 best side hustles for 19 year olds:

  1. Build a dropshipping business
  2. Sell print on demand merchandise
  3. Start an online bakery
  4. Meal prep for busy individuals
  5. Become a virtual assistant
  6. Make helpful content for YouTube
  7. Fill up surveys online in your past time
  8. Babysit kids in your neighborhood
  9. Sell handmade crafts on Etsy
  10. Buy and sell second hand items
  11. Make deliveries for parcels or food
  12. Tutor kids or juniors online
  13. Become a fitness instructor
  14. Manage social media accounts for small businesses
  15. Promote affiliate links as an influencer

Side hustles for 19 year olds are more wide-ranging compared to the two ages above. They have greater access to resources and knowledge to capitalize on, which is comparable to those in their early 20s.

However, they’ll have to manage time between college and pursuing side hustles.

Which Side Hustle Should I Choose?

Unsure which side hustle for early 20s you should go for? Here are the top 6 things to consider when deciding which side hustle is best for you.

  1. How much time can you commit to it?
    • Consider how much time you can set aside for your side hustle for weekdays and weekends
  2. What type of income are you looking for?
    • Do you want to make income actively or passively while you sleep?
  3. What sparks interest & passion in you?
    • Choose a side hustle that aligns to your personal goals and interests as it keeps you motivated
  4. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
    • Different side hustles requires different level of communication with the outside world, are you comfortable meeting new people every day?
  5. What is your current partner or friend up to that you can leverage on?
    • Doing something with a friend or partner makes things easier and more manageable
  6. How soon do you need to make extra money?
    • Not all side hustles make the same amount of money in the same pace, do you need money today or in a year’s time?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are good side hustles for 17 year olds?

Some good side hustles for 17 year olds are selling handmade crafts on Etsy, offering online tutoring to juniors and pet-sitting for friends or neighbors. A good side hustle should utilize your ready skills, allow you to make connections and is possible with a part-time or passive arrangement.

How can I make money at 17 in school?

You can make money at 17 in school by offering tutoring services to your juniors. Tutoring others is a great way to make money on the side that allows you to use the knowledge you have. People are more inclined to get you as their tutor if you show great experience on the subject.

What side hustle should I choose at 21?

The side hustle you should choose at 21 should be something you have passion in. It’s hard to sustain a side hustle for the long term if you have no interest for it. However, try a few things before deciding what is best for you and just continue doing what works.

Bottom Line

When I reached my late 20s, I sort-of regret not exploring side hustles before. It took a life-changing event to pivot to where I am today.

So if you’re young, have fun and take time to explore your personal interests. You’ll never know if they come in handy one day and can make you a ton of money – nothing is ever truly wasted.

The best way to get started with side hustles in your 20s is to TRY. Pick at least one or two things I’ve shared above, give time and you’ll eventually find something that works for you!

I will always recommend building passive income streams to no longer trade time for money.

Here are 21 best side hustles for early 20s:

  1. Become a social media manager for small businesses
  2. Promote affiliate links on your social accounts
  3. Create a YouTube channel for topics you’re interested in
  4. Build a podcast on a niche you love
  5. Share your knowledge with your own helpful blog
  6. Learn photography and sell photos online
  7. Become a freelance writer for other content websites
  8. Tutor your juniors and/or offer online tutoring
  9. Pet sitting for friends and neighbors
  10. Flip second hand items for cash
  11. Become a part-time barista
  12. Offer translation services for a second language
  13. Become a personal trainer or yoga instructor
  14. Host workshops to teach a skill you have or create paid online courses
  15. Complete online surveys for cash
  16. Clean spaces or repair items for others
  17. Become an influencer on social media
  18. Offer virtual assistant services
  19. Copywrite product descriptions and ads for ecommerce
  20. Meal prep for busy individuals
  21. Start a print on demand business from home

I’m not one to brag, but blogging has changed my life. I’ve been able to earn an income passively while on a coffee date and traveling with my family. With everything, it takes time to learn and not an overnight success – to speed things up, get yourself a blogging coach before starting.

These are my blogging resources to help you out:

Photo by RODNAE Productions

Abby B.

Hey there! Abby here - the founder of Passive Marketeer and also the main writer on the site. My love for ecommerce and online marketing was something I found through my 9-5 sales job. It was mind boggling at first that we're able to make an income online passively in today's world! If you're still feeling that way, know that you're not alone.

That's why, I decided to help others by sharing findings through my own research on today's ecommerce world. When I'm not writing, I'm either running my online biz, traveling, cooking or gardening.

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